Creative Arts Week August 10, 2025 04:00 pm - August 15, 2025

Fill in all the information below and click the "Add Member" button at the bottom to save the camper information onto the registration. Once you are done adding campers, you can click the "Complete Group" button on the Left Hand side to proceed to billing.


On my behalf and on behalf of this camper, I hereby release Clearview Christian Camp, it’s agents members and employees, and hold them harmless from any and all liability or any accident, injury or any claim arising out of the camper’s use of Clearview Christian Camp or any of its facilities, or by virtue of participation in any of its programs. In case of emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the Camp director and/or Camp Care provider to secure medical advice and services as may be deemed necessary for the health and safety of this child. Camp is a time of spiritual emphasis, and fun. It is important that all the campers be involved with all of the activities set out by the directors. By clicking 'Yes' below, you are committing to participate, to be at all camp functions, and to have a great time.
We often use photos in our brochure, on our website and on our Facebook page. Please indicate whether we have permission to use applicant’s picture for this purpose.


On my behalf and on behalf of this camper, I hereby release Clearview Christian Camp, it’s agents members and employees, and hold them harmless from any and all liability or any accident, injury or any claim arising out of the camper’s use of Clearview Christian Camp or any of its facilities, or by virtue of participation in any of its programs. In case of emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the Camp director and/or Camp Care provider to secure medical advice and services as may be deemed necessary for the health and safety of this child. Camp is a time of spiritual emphasis, and fun. It is important that all the campers be involved with all of the activities set out by the directors. By clicking 'Yes' below, you are committing to participate, to be at all camp functions, and to have a great time.
We often use photos in our brochure, on our website and on our Facebook page. Please indicate whether we have permission to use applicant’s picture for this purpose.