Pay By Cheque


How to Send In Your Cheque

In order to submit your payment via cheque, please make the cheque payable to 

Clearview Christian Camp

And mail the cheque to:

Attn: Clearview Christian Camp Treasurer
Box 42
North Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada
S0C 1X0

What Else We Need

Please include, either on the Memo section of your cheque or with an included piece of paper, what this cheque is for. 

If you are paying for a camper registration, please include the name(s) of the campers and what camp(s) they are attending. This will allow us to connect the payment with the registration so we can mark the registration off as Paid.

If you are sending in a donation, please let us know what area this donation is for. Options include;

  • Development Fund

This is our Capital fund to faciliate the maintenance and creation of facilities for the camp to use.  This is currently going towards funding our Phase 2 of our Revitalization Project which includes the building of a new main hall and adding new staff cabins. 

  • Scholarship Fund

Our mandate is that no child should ever not come to camp because of cost. We use a scholarship fund to make up the difference in what a family can pay to send their child to camp and what it costs to have them there. But whether there is money in the scholarship fund or not, we will never turn someone away. 

  • General Donation

Let us use our discretion to determine where best to use this donation.